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Why do Asians study in Australia, UK & US? PC racism of media lying over US war crimes

by Open-Publishing - Monday 23 January 2006
1 comment

Wars and conflicts Discriminations-Minorit. School-University International USA UK Australia Gideon Polya

PC RACISM (politically correct racism) and cowardice in US-UK-Oz academia has resulted in the mal-education of a current establishment of PC racist journalists, academics and politicians who simultaneously DENY any racism, are COMPLICIT in horrendous mass murder in Asian wars and IGNORE the horrendous, continuing passive genocide of Asians in US wars in gross contravention of the Geneva Conventions (so far there have been 2.1 million avoidable post-invasion deaths and 1.7 million post-invasion under-5 year old infant deaths in Occupied Iraq and Afghanistan and currently in these occupied countries there are 0.5 million under-5 infant deaths ANNUALLY and 1,300 such deaths DAILY) (see: http://globalavoidablemortality.blo...)

and Senate Inquiry submission #112: http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/commit...).

IGNORANCE borne of US-UK-Oz PC racism explains in part why Asian overseas students prefer to study in the US, UK and Oz - countries complicit in horrendous, continuing passive mass murder of Asian infants.

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS currently total about 2 million (see: http://www.ehef-bangkok.org/exhibit...). The major destinations (in decreasing order of popularity) are the US, the UK and Australia.

PARADOX - substantially Asian international students choose to study in the 3 chief countries of the US-led Coalition (the US, the UK and Australia) that are involved in horrendous passive genocide of Asians (SO FAR there have been 2.1 million avoidable post-invasion deaths and 1.7 million post-invasion under-5 year old infant deaths in Occupied Iraq and Afghanistan) (see: http://globalavoidablemortality.blo...

and Senate Inquiry submission #112: http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/commit...).


UNITED STATES. In 2004/2005 there were about 565,000 international students in US tertiary education institutions (about a 1% decline from the previous year due particularly to immigration restrictions) (see: http://opendoors.iienetwork.org/?p=69736). International students bring about US$13 billion each year into the US economy.

UNITED KINGDOM. In 2003 there were about 319,000 overseas students in the UK; they currently bring about US$5.3 billion annually into the UK.

AUSTRALIA. In 2004 Australian “education services” exports were worth US$4.4 billion (see: http://www.dfat.gov.au/trade/trade2...) and overseas students contributed over US$1.4 billion in fees to the Australia university system annual budget of about US$7.5 billion. In 2004, Australian public universities enrolled a total of 210,397 international students (22.6% of university enrolments). An additional 30,000 international students attend private colleges and about 10,000 study-abroad and exchange students enrol each semester (see: http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/soe/ci...). However in 2005 the number of overseas student course commencements rose by only 1% (see:
http://www.theaustralian.news.com.a...). Australia is currently “scouting” for international students in East Asia (notably China), South East Asia (notably Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia), South Asia (notably India) and the prosperous Gulf States of the Middle East.


The Geneva Conventions (1949) demand that the foreign occupier of a country acts “to the fullest extent of the means available to it” to preserve the health and life of subject civilians (see Articles 55 and 56: http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu3/b/92.htm). However the US-led Coalition governments have manifestly failed in their obligations under the Geneva Conventions, ignore the horrendous human consequences of their wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and continually assert their non-racism and the altruism of their policy of “democratic imperialism” (forcible imposition of “freedom and democracy” on foreign lands). According to UNICEF (2006) (see: http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry...), in 2004 the under-5 infant mortality was 122,000 in Occupied Iraq, 359,000 in Occupied Afghanistan and 1,000 in the occupying country Australia (noting that in 2004 the populations of these countries were 28.1 million, 28.6 million and 19.9 million, respectively).

The post-invasion avoidable mortality (excess mortality) in the Occupied Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghan Territories now totals about 0.3, 0.5 and 1.6 million, respectively, while the corresponding post-invasion under-5 infant mortality now totals 0.2, 0.3 and 1.4 million, respectively (see:
and Senate Inquiry submission #112: http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/commit...). A detailed, formal complaint has been sent to the International Criminal Court charging the Coalition with war crimes in Occupied Iraq and Afghanistan (see: http://www.countercurrents.org/us-p...).


The war criminal Coalition carnage in Occupied Iraq and Afghanistan has been permitted by Anglo-American mainstream media lying by omission and commission. In turn, this permissive media lying is due to entrenched “politically correct racism” (PC racism) in Anglo-American countries - PC racism is demonstrably entrenched in journalism, media, political life and academia. Anglo-American PC racism means that internally democratic, politically correct and ostensibly non-racist Anglo-American societies can commit horrendous crimes against non-Europeans in foreign lands such as Iraq and Afghanistan while simultaneously DENYING the implicit racism of so-called “democratic imperialism” and IGNORING the carnage (see: http://www.countercurrents.org/au-p...).

The largely civilian and infant avoidable mortality associated with US wars is simply NOT REPORTED in full by mainstream media. Thus the avoidable mortality in a succession of US Asian wars has been 0.8 million (the Korean War), 13.1 million (the Indo-China War), 1.8 million (the Gulf and Sanctions War against Iraq), 1.6 million so far (the Afghan War) and 0.5 million so far (the Iraq War) - a holocaust that is essentially IGNORED in its horrendous entirety by PC racist Anglo-American media and academics (see: Senate Inquiry submission #112: http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/commit...).


Comprehensively entrenched academic, politician and media lying by omission means that war criminal mass infanticide, mass murder and passive genocide of Asian Muslim infants in Occupied Iraq and Afghanistan (0.5 million each year, 1,300 each day) is comprehensively NON-REPORTED. Asian and Muslim prospective international students simply DO NOT KNOW of the actual extent of Coalition war crimes against Asians and Muslims. Accordingly IGNORANCE deriving from entrenched PC racism accounts in part for the astonishing preference of substantially Asian international students for university studies in Anglo-American countries involved in mass murder, mass infanticide and passive genocide of Asians in Asian wars (see: http://members.optusnet.com.au/~gpo...).


The PC racism and cowardice of Anglo-American universities and academics themselves are responsible for turning out the PC racist and cowardly journalists, academics and politicians who comprehensively IGNORE the horrendous human consequences of Anglo-American imperialism.

Universities have educated the Establishment of journalists, academics and politicians largely responsible for informing the public. Universities have a major responsibility for entrenched PC racism and lying by omission in Anglo-American societies - that means, for example, that mainstream media will indignantly report Japanese killing 1,000 whales per year (3 per day) or the sad death of ONE whale in the River Thames, but will COMPREHENSIVELY NOT REPORT war criminal mass infanticide, mass murder and passive genocide of Asian Muslim infants in Occupied Iraq and Afghanistan (0.5 million each year, 1,300 each day).


Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Decent people are obliged to at least INFORM OTHERS about gross inhumanity and to make ethical decisions in their dealings with people and organizations of war criminal Coalition countries. International students can act ethically in relation to Coalition war crimes by REJECTING PC racist UK-US-Australian Coalition universities. If International students want high quality higher education in prosperous English-speaking countries then Canada and New Zealand are good and decent destinations. Indeed Canada and New Zealand are actually cheaper than Australia, the UK and the US as places in which to study business, IT and engineering (see: http://www.hothousemedia.com/etm/et...).


The annual economic impact on the US and the UK would be a mere US$18 billion if international students decided to go elsewhere (as compared to the annual military expenditure of the US and the world of about US$500 billion and US$1,000 billion, respectively). However, just as sporting bans and sanctions were effective against the obscene Minority Rule régime in Apartheid South Africa (a small part of racist Anglo-American global power), so avoidance of study in PC racist White Australian universities could be similarly effective because Australia is a minor but KEY part of racist, Anglo-American democratic imperialism (democratic Nazism, democratic tyranny).

There are many good reasons why international students in general - and not only Asian and Muslim students - should question whether they should study in Australia. Some of the major reasons are simply outlined below in the general interest of “consumer choice” (a basic economic principle in our US-dominated globalized world). Racism, Rubbish and Rip-off constitute the new 3Rs of PC racist Australian education:

RACISM in Australia currently involves indefinite imprisonment of Asian and Muslim refugees; passive mass murder, passive mass infanticide and passive genocide in Occupied Iraq and Afghanistan; draconian, human rights-abusing laws aimed specifically at an Asian and Muslim minority; a “secret” New White Australia Policy that actively discriminates against non-Europeans by “executive interpretation” of “departmental regulations” (see:
http://www.wsws.org/articles/1999/j...).; thousands of racist white thugs beating up Asians and Muslims on Sydney beaches; an avoidable mortality of 6,000 indigenous (aboriginal) Australians each year; and PC RACISM that means that the Yellow Press of White Australia will simply NOT REPORT on-going passive genocide in Occupied Iraq and Afghanistan.

RUBBISH is taught both actively and passively in the PC racist Australian education system. Massively State-funded colleges and schools are variously teaching Intelligent Design (advocated by the Religious Right Government), Creationism and criminally stupid and anti-social avoidance of “safe sex”. A succession of Senate Inquiries and media reports keep uncovering extraordinary corruption, plagiarism, soft-marking, academic fraud, censorship and academic victimization in Australian universities. Most seriously, the Australian education system, and most notably the universities, have a culture of PC racism leading to a general SOCIETAL culture of racist holocaust denial, censorship and lying by omission (see:
http://www.abc.net.au/rn/science/oc... and http://www.publicuni.org/journal/vo...).

RIP-OFF. A decade of anti-intellectual Federal Government parsimony has put the Australian university system under immense financial pressure. Fees paid by international students amount to about 20% of the university system budget. There are about 40 Australian universities (of which the best are known as the “Big Eight”) but only 2 (TWO) Australian universities in the “Asia Pacific Top 100” are in the World Top 100. The fees charged to domestic and international students (up to about $50,000 per year) represent an outrageous rip-off (see: http://www.abc.net.au/rn/science/oc...).


Education should be FREE. Why should poor students pay to maintain national scholarly complements and for increasingly commercially-oriented academic applied research? Thus Massachusetts Institute of Technology (55 Nobel Prize winners) has put all its teaching materials on the Web for FREE ACCESS. I have long advocated a system of “Reading Only Tertiary Education” (paradoxical acronym ROTE and something well known to all serious professional graduates involved in reading-based “life-long learning”) that enables IMMEDIATE maximal access, high quality tertiary education at minimal cost to ANYONE (from a bored billionaire to a teenage or adult Muslim refugee held without charge in an Australian desert concentration camp).

In short, on a strictly AT COST basis, ANY candidate at can enrol in any lecture-based university course; purchase the detailed syllabus, lecture notes, past exam papers, worked tutorial and exam questions, reading lists and other teaching materials; borrow or buy requisite text books; privately seek tutorial and other assistance; study in a thoughtful, holistic, “big picture” and relational way (“deep learning”); and finally sit a sensible accrediting exam examined by a research- and scholarship-informed academic professional.

Such a system will NOT be introduced or even considered in PC racist White Australia where the national scholarly complement of the national university system is being substantially maintained by RIPPING OFF both domestic and international students.

If international students want tertiary education in prosperous First World English speaking countries, then economy, high quality and decency can be found in Canada and New Zealand.

Dr Gideon Polya, Melbourne, Australia

Forum posts

  • You can lie about everything, but do it politically correct. The American history, which hardly describes anything wrong according to American schoolbooks, it is just the other who are to blame and they did just great. Never question the millions of innocent human beings who died for the "cause", otherwise you would feel really guilty.
    And if evil doing becomes to obvious, there is always the Holocaust which helps you out or some Milosevic guy.
    But be assured I really adore Asians students, who are so dedicated to their studies and here also is the strength of Asians, sooner or later, political correct or incorrect it is you my Asian fellows who have already the lead. Congratulations! Never mind stupid racism.