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US state terrorism War on Terra - global warming, 2005 hottest year & Coalition passive genocide

by Open-Publishing - Friday 24 February 2006

Environment USA UK Gideon Polya

The greed- and racism-driven US War on Terra (the Earth, humanity, us) for control of resources is currently being WON by UK-, Australian- & Coalition-backed US state terrorism. US, Australia and Canada are the world’s worst greenhouse gas polluters per capita and now NASA reports that 2005 was the hottest year in a century. The post-invasion avoidable mortality in Occupied Iraq and Afghanistan now totals 2.1 million (the under-5 infant mortality totalled 1.7 million). The global post-2001 opiate drugs deaths from US Coalition restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry totals 0.4 million (50,000 in the US alone).

The world has a population of about 6 billion and key resources of arable land, forests, major ecosystems, wild nature, fisheries, fresh water and oil are dwindling fast. Since the end of WW2 the US Empire and its allies have been conducting horrendous wars for global resource domination that constitutes a War on Terra and a threat not only to humanity but to the very survival of Spaceship Earth as a possibly unique self-regulating biosphere.

The cost of the UK-US War on Terra has been horrendous and can be gauged from 2 key parameters, namely (1) global avoidable mortality and (2) global warming.


Avoidable mortality (excess mortality) is the difference between the ACTUAL deaths in a country and the deaths EXPECTED for a peaceful, well-administered country with the same demographics. Using United Nations (UN) data, avoidable mortality (technically, excess mortality) has been calculated for every country in the world since 1950. The post-1950 avoidable mortality totals 1.3 billion for the world and 1.2 billion for the non-European world, these figures being consonant with independently-calculated estimates of post-1950 under-5 infant mortality totalling 0.88 billion for the world and 0.85 billion for the non-European world (see: http://members.optusnet.com.au/~gpo... and http://globalavoidablemortality.blo...).

In order to make avoidable mortality (excess mortality) comparisons, it is useful to calculate the “post-1950 avoidable mortality/2005 population” ratio for different countries and regions of the world: 2.7% (for Overseas Europe i.e. the US, Israel, Australia, New Zealand and Canada), 5.0% (Western Europe), 7.5 % (Eastern Europe), 9.4% (Latin America and the Caribbean), 10.9% (East Asia), 20.7% (Turkey, Iran and Central Asia), 23.0% (Arab North Africa and Middle East), 25.1% (South East Asia), 27.3% (the Pacific), 31.9% (South Asia) and 43.2% (non-Arab Africa).

The greater the degree of First World occupation, the greater the burden of avoidable mortality, noting that "occupation" covers both colonial occupation and post-colonial First World economic hegemony (thus avoidable mortality has climbed appallingly in South Africa and indeed in Southern Africa after the collapse of Apartheid and essentially the same corporate arrangements are still in place).

The post-1950 avoidable mortality in countries in which the US and its key allies were MAJOR occupiers at some stage in the post-WW2 era is as follows (Allied post-war occupations of Germany and Japan are excluded): countries occupied by Australia (2.1 million), Belgium (36.0 million), France (142.3 million), Israel (23.9 million), Netherlands (71.6 million), New Zealand (0.04 million), Portugal (23.5 million), Spain (8.6 million), Turkey (0.05 million), UK (727.4 million) and by the US (82.2 million).

The US and the UK have been complicit in a substantial part of the horrendous, post-1950 Third World Holocaust in the non-European world involving a billion avoidable deaths.


While Africa has been suffering and dying, the industrialized First World has been making money hand over fist at the expense of Planet Earth. Global warming is a reality for an international scientific consensus. According to NASA (2006), 2005 was the warmest year in over a century. Over the past century, the world has warmed by 0.8° C (1.44° F) - however, just over the last 30 years Terra has warmed by 0.6° C (1.08° F) (see: http://www.nasa.gov/vision/earth/en...).
In his latest book “The Revenge of Gaia” (Penguin, London, 2006), James Lovelock says that fundamental planetary self-regulating mechanisms have now been irreversibly damaged and that the Earth is “about to catch a morbid fever that may last as long as 100,000 years” with the average temperature set to rise by as much as 8°C (14.4°F) in temperate regions and 5°C (9.0°F) in the tropics over the next century (see: http://comment.independent.co.uk/co...).

US Empire, Australia and other First World countries bear a major responsibility for the developing global warming disaster. Thus in 1999 the tonnes of emitted carbon dioxide per capita were as follows for the following key industrial players: Australia (27.9), Canada (22.2), US (20.7), Ireland (15.6), Netherlands (14.5), New Zealand (14.4), Denmark (13.6), Germany (11.6), UK (10.8), Japan (9.6), Italy (9.1), France (8.2) and Russia (7.6) (see: http://www.tai.org.au/WhatsNew_File... and http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004...).

The US and Australia are the world’s most profligate greenhouse gas producers per capita but STILL REFUSE to sign the Kyoto Protocol for greenhouse gas control. Compounding this profligacy, both the US and Australia are gagging top climate change scientists. Australia is having an economic boom based significantly on coal-based electricity and huge coal exports to the burgeoning China economy. The corporate greenhouse gas producers have an extraordinary political influence in Australia as in the US. Australian authorities have been gagging public servants and indeed the very top Australian climate change scientists (see: http://www.abc.net.au/4corners/cont...). Similarly, the Bush Administration attempted to gag NASA’s top climate change scientist Dr Hansen, long-time director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (see: http://www.theage.com.au/text/artic...).

The War on Terra MUST be won by the 6 billion ordinary human beings of Spaceship Earth who are not obsessively greedy, racist, corporate or military-industrial complex psychopaths. We have the numbers but what can ordinary people do? Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Decent people around the world must (a) INFORM OTHERS to overcome the dominance of lying mainstream media and (b) behave ETHICALLY in ALL their personal and business dealings with the US Empire and its allies who are involved in PASSIVE GENOCIDE on a huge scale (45,000 people die avoidably world-wide EVERY DAY and 30,000 under-5 year old infants die EVERY DAY) and TERRACIDE (the world is being literally COOKED by thoughtless First World (notably US and Australian) greed and profligacy).

SANCTIONS & SPORTING BOYCOTTS were ultimately successful against the Minority White Apartheid régime in South Africa. These procedures can be applied very effectively to other SMALL, VULNERABLE and IRRESPONSIBLE parts of US Empire and First World/Anglo-American global hegemony that are active participants in the War on Terra.

Denmark and Australia are worthy candidates for such international action - these countries are major greenhouse gas polluters, are complicit in the genocidal violence of the US Empire in Iraq (post-invasion avoidable mortality now 0.5 million) and through "PC racism" and "denial" both violate crucially-required free speech (by effectively blocking ANY mainstream media reportage of horrendous Coalition war crimes against millions of innocent children). Of course, “free choice” and the “market place” are the core principles of globalization and the New World Order of US Empire - would you buy soap made in Auschwitz? Sanctions and boycotts may yet save the lives of 30,000 kids EVERY DAY and indeed save Spaceship Earth.