Home > Radio Venezuela en Vivo: Broadcasting Live from Venezuela’s Constitutional (…)

Radio Venezuela en Vivo: Broadcasting Live from Venezuela’s Constitutional Reform Referendum

by Open-Publishing - Monday 26 November 2007

Edito Radio Internet Governments South/Latin America

By Romain Migus

What is Radio Venezuela en Vivo?

Radio Venezuela en Vivo is an internet radio, launched by a group of international journalists and academics based in Venezuela, to broadcast continual objective coverage of Venezuela’s upcoming Constitutional Reform Referendum. Radio Venezuela en Vivo will principally broadcast in English and French, with support programs and news coverage in Portuguese, Arab and other languages.

Why Radio Venezuela en Vivo?

As international observers of Venezuela’s democratic process, the members of Radio Venezuela en Vivo have witnessed first hand the campaign of media manipulation in Venezuela, which has continued to intensify in the international media. In order to counter the disinformation, and a potential media Coup d’Etat, as was the case in April 2002, Radio Venezuela en Vivo will inform the international community of the situation on the ground, with live 24 hour non-stop coverage during Venezuela’s December 2nd, Constitutional Reform Referendum.

Where and How to listen to Radio Venezuela en Vivo?

On the Internet, click on the radio at,
Our programming schedule, which will be published this week, will allow you to listen in at the times corresponding to the language of your choice. Earlier broadcasts will be archived and available for download.

When to listen to Radio Venezuela en Vivo?

Our broadcast will begin on Thursday, November 29, 2007, offering analytical programs and news coverage from our hosts, analysts, and correspondents across Venezuela. 24-hour coverage will begin late on Saturday, Dec. 1, and be broadcast through Venezuela’s Constitutional Reform Referendum with continuous monitoring of the situation on the ground.

Can we participate in Radio Venezuela en Vivo?

Yes. A forum is being set up on the website which will let you ask questions and speak with our radio hosts. If you are an election observer at the Venezuelan embassy in your country, please let us know and we will be in contact. Your testimony is valuable. If you belong to a community, independent or mainstream media, feel free to use our transmission for your own broadcast. If you are a listener, don’t forget your participation is essential in order to publicize the existence of this radio around the world. Against the media manipulation, listen to Radio Venezuela En Vivo ! Spread news of the radio by forwarding this email to your contacts !

Radio Venezuela en Vivo

Forum posts

  • Why the heck are they using .pls streaming? Great resource if they would use an efficient standards-based streaming form like mp4?

    • using pls? talk about being nerdish! if your aim is to make the information accessible, an admirable objective, you shouldn’t be playing games with obscure formats, please broadcast in podcasting formats and not something that requires me to download windows software. Get your act together!