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Pres. Bush, DeLay, Perle and others are collaborators against the American people

by Open-Publishing - Monday 19 March 2007

Governments USA Mary MacElveen

Pres. Bush, DeLay, Perle and others are collaborators against the American people

By Mary MacElveen

March 19, 2007

In inviting former Congressman Tom DeLay onto their program to discuss the Iraq War, ‘Meet the Press’ lowered the bar for honest debate. After all, he resigned his office because he was indicted. His voice should carry absolutely no weight as this war is discussed. He has no right to interject his feelings and opinions of this war as he did so with the Terrie Schiavo case. In both cases he is wrong. Let us be our own hammers to confront him.

Everyone who speaks truth to power as far as ending our occupation in Iraq are true and real patriots and I am sick of folks like DeLay stating the opposite. Here is what he said on MTP, “Well, I—it, it is my opinion that when you go to war, we ought to all come together. You can debate going to war, that’s a legitimate debate. But once you have our soldiers and our, our young people dying on the battlefield, we should come together, and we shouldn’t have what we had yesterday on the Mall of, of, of—in Washington, D.C. When the—those are not, in my mind—my opinion, patriots that are talking about impeaching the commander in chief,”

Anyone who is speaking of impeaching President Bush along with his side-kick Vice President Cheney is to be heralded. It was after all, their lies that led to our illegal invasion of Iraq which truly aided and abetted the enemy of the United States of America. By doing so, our military force has been weakened to the point that we are sending back into combat those who have been injured in previous tours. We are sending back into combat those that still suffer PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and how can one defeat any enemy using forces comprised of those who should be out of harms way and who are not able to make rational decisions while on the battle field.

I want my readers to make a jump here to think of the scariest scenario that no one seems to be discussing. Should we attack Iran, who is behind curtain number three? Russia and China who have close business ties with Iran. Do you really think they will be quiet as we threaten their economies? Think of the capacity of their military might combined and guess who that anger will be directed at? It will be directed at the United States of America. Think of what China can do to us financially as we have borrowed astronomical amounts of money from them. Sit with that a while and be afraid, be very afraid.

Let us also not forget about those pesky Topol M missiles that Russia has in its arsenal as they have rebuilt the arms race. As President Bush and the rest of his neo-conservative thugs have misdirected America’s attention in the Middle East, Russia had been rebuilding the arms race. These missiles that I speak of can be fitted with nuclear war heads and do have the capacity to breach our security systems. Are you terrified yet? If not, you should be.

When DeLay mentioned that “our young people are dying on the battlefield” those of us who have consistently spoken out against this war are the ones who are trying to stop this blood-letting. Are we supposed to say “Sure, President Bush we support you even though you lied to us and kill more American troops”? Does anyone see the lunacy in that statement? I sure as hell do.

I would like to think that each and every American who opposes this war and has done so from the beginning as being our modern day Paul Reveres. They are the ones who in this political debate have done so in the face of modern day fascism when we were fed the mantra of “United We Stand” which was a warning to the American people that they had better support the criminality of this administration. Those that did reject it and came forth upon our invasion and now occupation of Iraq are the true patriots. If you are reading this and have openly spoken out against this war in words or deeds, you are the patriots and not men like Tom DeLay. He is a collaborator with the enemy.

When DeLay stated, “When you tell the enemy what your strategy is, that’s aiding and abetting the enemy because they can use that strategy to come back and harm your soldiers.” Are we supposed to be quiet as more are harmed and sent home in body bags? If that is the essence of victory, then I do not want it nor should any American who truly supports our soldiers.

As we read of millions of displaced Iraqis in which many include children who will be the next wave of those that hate us, one must ask this all important question; how many more of America’s blood and treasure will die in the years to come? Is any sane American willing to stand up to these belligerent bullies and criminals and telling them, this war ends now and we demand that you pull our forces out from this civil war in Iraq which you created.

I find any political leader who states that we will keep an occupying force within Iraq to also be collaborators with this criminal mentality. Iraq does not belong to the United States of America. Just how many times does one have to say that before it sinks in?

DeLay had this to say of fighting this war; “you’ve got to fight that war to win rather than fight the war for political posturing.” Everyone should tell him that there is no winning this war on terrorism when due to our own stupidity; we have created the new wave of those who will hate us as mentioned above.

To me aiding and abetting the enemy was the redeployment of our troops by those who did attack us and go after a country that did not. This administration gave them safe harbor when he launched ‘Shock and Awe’ which gave power to those who did in fact come after us. It has been reported that al Qaeda and the Taliban have regrouped within allied countries such as Pakistan. By allowing groups such as al Qaeda to regroup in Pakistan it goes against President Bush’s message that “you are either with us or with the terrorists” So, do not go telling the American people who are openly speaking out against this war that they are aiding and abetting the enemy. The Iraqi people are not the enemy, Mr. DeLay.

But, hey if you do not believe my words then read these comments coming from Rep. Tom Andrews (D-ME): You know, Tim, it’s incredible to me to hear Mr. DeLay start his answer with—to your question by saying that, you know, we were attacked on 9/11 in answer to a question about Iraq. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. We know that for a fact.”

Amazingly he even stated for the viewing audience, “In Afghanistan and in the Pakistani border where Osama bin Laden happens to be, they are strengthening precisely because we have diverted our attention and our resources away from Afghanistan, away from the war on terror, on Iraq.”

Richard Perle the PNAC-man said this of Al Gore’s opinion of Saddam, "We know that Saddam has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout the country. Iraq’s search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to deter, and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power." I find it interesting first that Perle would even bring Gore into this debate. Does he see him as being a credible threat should he throw his hat into the presidential race of 2008? I find him even dragging his name into this show and selecting that quote as a form of psychological war-fare.

Perle did not tell the whole story of Al Gore’s opinion of this war as one reads Gore’s opinion concerning our invasion of Iraq. Pay close attention to this passage coming from the former vice president, “To begin with, I believe we should focus our efforts first and foremost against those who attacked us on September 11th and have thus far gotten away with it. The vast majority of those who sponsored, planned and implemented the cold blooded murder of more than 3,000 Americans are still at large, still neither located nor apprehended, much less punished and neutralized. I do not believe that we should allow ourselves to be distracted from this urgent task simply because it is proving to be more difficult and lengthy than predicted. Great nations persevere and then prevail. They do not jump from one unfinished task to another.”

I am of the opinion that great leadership is one that finishes the job and does not jump to another. America, you could have had this brand of leadership coming from Al Gore.

Now please pay close attention to when Al Gore stated, "We are perfectly capable of staying the course in our war against Osama Bin Laden and his terrorist network, while simultaneously taking those steps necessary to build an international coalition to join us in taking on Saddam Hussein in a timely fashion." Notice the most operative word meaning timely as it pertained to Saddam Hussein. President Bush did not have to topple Saddam at that moment in time. After 9/11 when we truly had the world support, it was only in our response in going after folks like Osama bin Laden since we told the world that he was the one that attacked us on that tragic day. Yet, President Bush played on the emotions of the American people and we can never forgive him for that. We must make damn sure that this will be his legacy. Let us write our own history. Let us tell future generations of America should it survive not to settle for any criminal to lead her but reject that criminal.

Meet the Press did a disservice to the American people by allowing men such as Tom DeLay and Richard Perle on their program to discuss how we handle Iraq and I even find offense in even debating how we handle a country that does not belong to us. We have become an occupying force and one that did so illegally.

I want to leave the American people with something to think about. As we have endlessly discussed this war on terrorism, Americans while seeing no attac.

Forum posts

  • ALL names mentioned above are ALL shills for the Zionist Manipulators of Mankind.....PERIOD!!

  • "...If that is the essence of victory, then I do not want it nor should any American who truly supports our soldiers...."

    Unfortunately supporting the war and supporting the troops are inextricably linked. You cannot support one without at least tacitly supporting the other. The notion that you can support the troops and NOT support the war is mental moonshine and moronism.

    Every soldier who has died during this administration has dies for LIES. The american military is NOT protecting the US. Their job in Iraq and Afghanistan is NOT an honorable one. They are protecting corporate profits, personal gain and criminal wrongdoing.
    They should turn on their commanders and come home of their own accord.

    the ONLY way to ’support the troops" is to BRING THEM HOME NOW and IMPEACH the bastards who started this illegal and immoral war of aggression.

    • Delay-"Well, I-it,it is my opinion that when you go to war, we ought to all come together." Yes, yes, let’s all come together to sing wonderful patriotic hymns and wave our little made in China flags, as the 500 pound bombs fall on hundreds and hundreds of thousands of non-combatant women and kids, and our own loved ones die, so they can have the wonderful freedom, and liberation from their bodies and eyes and limbs, and prosperity with McDonalds and Wal-marts on every corner some day and values real American good ol values of hard work, and they will no longer have to be burdened with having to fuss over all of that nasty, nasty, oil, we will help them to liberate it as well, yes let’s just come together as one big happy family, for you see they love us in the streets there, they wave and throw flowers and candy at our soldiers because of the wonderful life we have given them since we took out our evil puppet, ere.. tyrant Saddam.

      Delay"You’ve got to fight that war to win". Yes, you have to fight to win once of course you figure out what winning is, is it when the last man quits shooting, say maybe somewhere in the year 2025, or perhaps never, is that what Cheney means by wars that won’t end in our lifetime, because really that is the total objective of the so called war simply to keep it going indefinately, to milk the treasury for all it’s worth, and who exactly is this war against anyway, women and kids, or have several hundred thousand simply been killed by bad aim, and if not isn’t this really genocide like was practiced against the native americans whose land and resources were the real reason for the war against the native so- called "terrorists".

      I DO support our troops and YES you ask most of them what kind of REAL SUPPORT they would rather have some flag waving sideways talking BS spouting criminal like DElay, or some REAL AMERICAN PATRIOT willing to take shit from people like Delay--- and all the other war-mongering LIARS who KNOW what this war is REALLY for—OIL/Israel/bases/ $$$$$$$---who are working tirelessly to try and GET THEIR ASSES HOME! I bet I know what Support they REALLY Want!