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Education for responsible global resource management without Money is the Key to Peace

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 4 June 2005

Trade-Exchange Rates School-University Environment

One thing is clear. Money is POWER. And for the richest entities in the world which is the conglomirate of multinational corporations MONEY IS THEIR ONLY POWER. If you design a social system without money corporations and the oligarchy of class domination will never exist on earth again. Freedom will actually exist. And Peace will be a reality. How is this so?

I can tell you that more protests, arrests, and mass harasment is now going on and will increase more than any other time in history. Why? Because as a mass of people Europe, the US, and other developed nations have a higher educated and more informed middle class and that is the most dangerous to the continued domination of exploitation by money and the corporations which use money as an influence vehicle.

That is why the media was purchased outright, and information wars are occuring at every level in corporations and governments. The mass of people that could comprehend what is happening and what they are going to do about it need to be marginalized and mental thrown of gaurd, and the selling of FEAR is the most influencial form of that through the use of economic and social crisis pressures of war. This is why whenever a large progressive movement of social change has taken place like in the US of say social security, 8 hour working day, minimum wage, and unions have all been circumvented by the corporations by the use of offshore labor and the legal agreements by which they wish to bind the governments especially the use any type of currency, the trade agreements like CAFTA, NAFTA, and WTO.

This combined with putting Eurorpe under an exploitable money dominated consortium like the United States Federal government would complete the power grab for the corporations in that they would be able as government independent well financed sovergins be able to buy influence through a central government like the US federal level or as they have been trying in Europe through the use of a financial binding constitution which would put the IMF and the dominant corporations in complete control of the social fabric of the two largest market places of Europe, the US, and finally China, and Russia. In this way corporations can simply purchase any type of system they want, change when they want and so forth and no one except those that control the investments of the monies will be able to stop them.

The only way to stop this total world domination is to stop the power of money and its social influence and that would require the social scientists, and other top educated people to form a social system that is educational and ecologically oriented to implement global free resource exchange systems that avoid the current psycho social problems that the financial systems create in terms of power and control issues, always leading to profits at the cost of human lifes, living standards, and responsible resource management all of which are negatives in the social equations used to derive profit models in business arrangments.

It is only when the globally people are willing to work together for a greater responsible good including responsible resource interactions that our world will have a chnance of improving.

A global education apprentiship to encourage a "free resource mentality" like that of free software like the GNU software movement proves that great strides in the development of complex systems and technology are possible for FREE without money so long as the production of the software and its use is free to all that are part of the community of users. Please see the following links to understand why things like free software work and how they as social product development and distribution mechanisms could be applied to almost any of mankinds current resource management and distribution needs including the most critical including:
1. Water sources - redundent and global
2. Food Source - redundant and global
3. Shelter and Transport system - redundant and global
4. Clothing and recylable resource systems and disposal systems.
5. Education Apprentiships and Global Knowledge and FRee Information Mind Share to Ensure no group dominates anyone with secrets - like the A Bomb or WMDs.
6. A society based on reason and scientific facts and responsible interactions and NOT class heirarchy and PROFITS based on stupid irresponsible money transactions.

Work for Peace through a global Information Interactive Interchange of FACTS.

See the gnu site for understand the ideas of information freedom and thus social freedom that can be derived from such a system that is in actual working practice today.

Just as software should not have owners because it leads to domination in that industry and arrests growth and information exchange (thus power), resource that are needed by all people like the above basics should be managed intelliently in a public trust and not by corporations for profit.


destroy money. create peace. respect the earth and all its creatures.

work for peace through education and responsible resource management.