Home > Check this video out — Is America Really Turning the Corner? 17 Apr 2009 (…)

Check this video out — Is America Really Turning the Corner? 17 Apr 2009 Part 1/3

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 19 April 2009
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Trade-Exchange Rates USA

Check this video out — Is America Really Turning the Corner? 17 Apr 2009 Part 1/3


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  • Turning the corner? Maybe falling off a cliff.

    Last year on September 11 (of all dates and suspiciously so) over 500 Billion dollars was drawn out of money markets world wide in only 2 hours. The panic that ensued and the shutdown that resulted was only the beginning of the "great bailout caper". Now we’re a trillion dollars brok-er and the bankers, big insurance companies and Wall street all have much fatter wallets.

    I don’t know about you, but I don’t think this was a "market" adjustment nor was it a fluke, and all this hype about ’recovery’ is just so much fluff and blather. This was a deliberate, pre-meditated, well orchestrated controlled demolition of the US economy for the benefit of a few. Strangely, the date they chose to begin their caper makes me hearken back to the PUT options on 911 - the other controlled demolitions. The names of the investors are still being kept secret (for your protection, of course)

    Something tells me the same people are behind the "great treasury robbery" of 2008/9.